Parsing error help

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Dec 27 23:00:31 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

* Rich Johnson:
> On Wednesday 27 December 2006 16:14, Matthew East wrote:
> [snip]
> | We define menu entities for Gnome in trunk/ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus.ent
> | which in turn points at the entries in trunk/ubuntu/menus/C
> Sorry about that. I noticed that once you pointed it out that I said 
> global.ent.
> | We need to make a new entry for f-spot, as it entered the desktop quite
> | recently, we haven't done that yet.
> |
> | > I think we are trying to lean against not using so many entities as it
> | > makes translation much easier. This way the translators only have to deal
> | > with the xml files and not the entity files as well.
> |
> | No, that's no problem - we are going to revert to our previous practice
> | which means that entities get expanded out before the translation
> | process - you should use an entity where it is going to save effort with
> | typing the phrase or where something could easily change (for example, a
> | menu entry or a url).
> |
> | Matt
> Ahh shucks! I was on an entity route yesterday (read svn logs) and realized we 
> weren't doing that, well at least in Edgy. It is good to know now that we are 
> going forward with it.
> /me gets to some entity work

Hang on a tic: those entities you added and then reverted were not the
sort that we should be using: they don't save any effort :) They are
used in KDE upstream because their translation system is totally
different to ours - they don't expand entities before translation, and
the translators themselves supply translated entity files. We don't do that.

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