server guide, desktop guide and what have you -bugs...

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Mon Dec 25 02:55:32 UTC 2006

On Sunday 24 December 2006 20:37, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
| t u wrote:
| > so we still fix those bugs even though it's not under ubuntu-doc/ubuntu/
| > ?
| I'm just starting here too, but I think the team is basically
| responsible for the whole repository, and even the wiki to some extent.
|  I know it handles ubuntu-doc/kubuntu , ubuntu-doc/edubuntu , etc.
| Matt Flaschen

Everything in the svn repo is the doc team. We currently oversee all 
documentation including the system docs (repo) as well as both wikis. Server 
Guide is maintained and if there is open bugs, go for it in the Server Guide. 
As for the Packaging Guide, if you are down with the packaging scene and run 
across a bug go ahead and create a patch, and then send it to the list. 
Jordan Mantha, our resident MOTU Mastah, will overlook and commit as needed. 

Ubuntu Docs is covered by everyone with Matthew East pretty much leading the 
forefront. So everything that is Ubuntu doc related I usually goto him with, 
as I am a gnometard.

As for Kubuntu Docs there is a main group of Jonathan Jesse, Venkat Raghavan, 
Rocco Stanzione, and myself. We can always use the help with Kubuntu. I 
believe Brian Murray is a new addition to the team that is a Kubuntu person 
as well. 

Now Edubuntu, we definitely need help with. Currently working on the Edubuntu 
Handbook, the huge project right now, is Mauricio Hernandez, Pete Savage, 
Robin Shepheard, Susan Stalwart, Scott Balneav (I always spell that wrong), 
and myself.

Any bugs that are assigned to Ubuntu Docs is fair game. I am usually on IRC 
all of the time, so if you have questions during a bug fix, ask me, and if I 
am around I will help you out. We really appreciate everyone who has stepped 
up lately and helped out or expressed their interest in helping out. This new 
blood so-to-speak is definitely needed.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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