Permission to use material in Gnome

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sun Dec 24 11:56:12 UTC 2006

Matthew East wrote:
> Because the Gnome document is published under GFDL, and we can't mix it
> with our documentation. So, if we want a section of the Gnome docs with
> some of our material in it, we need to ask them to add it, and give them
> permission (subject to what you said about the old version already being
> GFDL).

I see.  You want to separate out part of the GNOME document, with the
Ubuntu-doc section.  I thought you just wanted the ubuntu-doc part alone.

> I'm not familiar with the KDE documentation structure, maybe it would
> fit in somewhere there, yes.

I'm still figuring that out, but it's centered around the KDE Help Center.

Matt Flaschen

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