
Brian Murray brian at
Sat Dec 23 04:46:56 UTC 2006

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 22:16:24 -0500
"Harry Steffens" <mihakriket at> wrote:

> I have updated the AdvanceCommandlineHowto on the wiki. I wanted to
> know if anybody can provide me with any feedback or can the document
> be removed from the CategoryCleanup
> <> list.

The keystroke Ctrl-d appears twice in the keyboard shortcuts section of
that wiki page.  I know that Ctrl-d is for exit but at the same time I
am hesitant to delete the other Ctrl-d entry for delete.  I just
rediscovered that Alt-d deletes the current "word" and I would change
it to that, but I am not sure of the original author's intent.  Does
anybody have any thoughts?


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