Screencasts - teambuilding and documentation

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Dec 21 00:44:56 UTC 2006

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To: Documentation team.
CC: lots of other people.

Alan Pope from the UK team is producing a few screencasts that I am
interested in promoting in two specific ways.

First of all, beginning to build a team around these activities and
beginning to "officialise" the project within the Ubuntu community. This
will encourage contribution, and increase quality and visibility of
these screencasts, allowing them to reach more people.

Secondly, and more importantly from my perspective, beginning to
incorporate these screencasts into the documentation. The way I think it
would be great to do this is by providing some hosting for Alan's
project on a semi-official Ubuntu domain (such as and by
inserting links to videos from the system and online documentation.

A couple of very important points.

First, these are *help* screencasts, i.e. they help the user to
understand how to do a task, rather than being advocacy/marketing
related (showing off Ubuntu, and so on). This email has nothing to do
with the latter category.

Secondly, I am acutely aware that there are some other projects out
there doing similar stuff. is a prominent one. Contact
email addresses for the ones that I know of are CC:ed to this email.
Obviously, absent any serious technical differences, it would be nice to
have all these people working together. To enable this to happen of
course, the relevant people need to get together and talk about some of
the pros and cons of the different technical methods they are using, and
reach a consensus about how to proceed to work together.

So, if anyone is interested in working with Alan on this project, please
reply to this email, or contact us in some other way. At the moment I
very much see this project as one which falls under the wing of the
Documentation Team. In time, hopefully it will flourish, and a separate
team with separate tools may be required - for the moment let's discuss
the project on the documentation team mailing list:

Thanks for reading, and I hope this project can take off nicely, get
some good contributors, and most importantly reach and help many Ubuntu

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