Switching from Windows guide

Paul Eipper paul at eipper.com.br
Tue Dec 19 03:22:53 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Rich Johnson escreveu:
> OK, I follow it now. The only issue I see, not really issues but possible 
> speed bumps, is with the "Partitioning your disks." If we stick with telling 
> the user to utilize the default partitioning then so be it, however it would 
> be good to explain setting up /boot, /, /home/ and swap, and how it could be 
> beneficial to a user who corrupts his system and has to reinstall. By having 
> the separate /home directory, typically a user will not lose their hard work. 
> As it stands if they do the default wipe/install they get / and swap. Would 
> it be beneficial to explain that creating a separate /boot and /home 
> directory would be good in order to aide in the possibility of recovering 
> from some sort of failure? Well, I know it would be beneficial, but would it 
> be logical to do so in the installer?

I actually think this should be done automatically by the installer. The
automatic method used is brain-dead as it is and really needs to be

Partitioning is major alien-talk to non techies, so talking about /boot
/home /blahblah on install time is just asking for trouble.

I think this should be addressed as a spec/bug for the installer in that
it should have the default option as some sort of auto-config algorithm
to partition the drive the best way possible without user intervention.
It is not something impossible to accomplish and actually *VERY* desirable.

Documentation is, IMO, not the main issue here. Maybe then just explain
that their data is safe from a system reinstall (without mentioning
primary and logic partitions and the such) would be good.
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