new repositories for codecs

Richard Johnson nixternal at
Thu Dec 14 16:33:19 UTC 2006

On Thursday 14 December 2006 05:08, bapoumba wrote:
| Well, this is for you all to decide. Currently, the wiki page for
| restricted formats suggests a wget on "debian" repos for w32codecs.
| Sure enough, there will be smart individuals to put these in their
| source.list  and get into trouble when upgrading ;-) So that was my
| first point. Ubuntu repos are now available. (I have been very much
| involved in ubuntu-fr forum as I have been a moderator there, I have
| now kinda moved to ubuntuforums, this is my perspective).

I went ahead and added a note below the wget to let users know they shouldn't 
add Debian repositories to their /etc/apt/sources.list to avoid any 
confusion, which I have yet heard of but just as a safety percaussion.

.:Richard Johnson
.:nixternal at
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