Jon Pruett montanamax at
Sun Dec 10 06:33:25 UTC 2006

Well, I'm making some progress. I've leaned heavily on some language and ideas from the LoopList and incorporated the misison and items from the original SoftwareEquivalents list.

But it's still in progress with a good bit of work to do - mostly in verifying everything being suggested is in fact in a current repository. As the target audience of this page is new Ubuntu users (who would mostly be Microsoft converts) I feel it's important to make sure all the software recommended is very simple to install.

- Jon
-|                There is serenity in Chaos. 
-|            Seek ye the Eye of the Hurricane.
-|      Montana Max - Illegitimi non carborundum!

----- Original Message ----
From: Will van der Leij <will at>
To: Jon Pruett <montanamax at>; ubuntu-doc <ubuntu-doc at>
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2006 4:26:21 PM
Subject: Re:

Firstly, great work on bringing this under one roof.

If I might suggest one or two things?
 - it might make sense to label the desktop environment
 - as well as if they are currently part of a supported release
   (or even in our repositories)

In the education/edubuntu sector Richard Weideman is planning around an
external site that captures info like:
 - educational software apps
 - content sharing systems/portals
 - various educational resources
that would work something like the following:
 - new apps are added into a "suggested" pool
 - they get profiled with a summary/applicability and recategorised
 - they get profiled further with technical details, security issues,
   educational value, etc
 - eventually they could get "recommended"
 - and possibly incorporated in our 2 CD edubuntu pack (value added
   stuff) if applicable

The idea is really just similar to how apps move into universe and into
main but not necessarily only for software applications, it would
include tools and resources of all kinds.

If captured and profiled nicely from the beginning (in a CMS, not sure
if wiki is the best tool) then educators and the like can already start
collaborating from the word go.

Best regards,
Will van der Leij

On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 06:39 -0800, Jon Pruett wrote:
> I definately agree all these pages belong under a single title, but
> it's been suggested and discussed that this page should mirroring the
> format of the LOOP List to add consistency to the site - and in that
> case, removing the "documentation" category and keeping the page on
> the main w.u.c site. I've been emailing with the origional author of
> the pages and he is interested in growing it in that direction as
> well.
> Thoughts anyone? It's probably going to be 12 or 24 hours before I
> would get a chance to start working it in that direction, so if you're
> interested in digging in that would be great - I'll join the party as
> soon as I can. (grin)
> Thanks,
> - Jon
> _________________________________________________________
> -| There is serenity in Chaos. 
> -| Seek ye the Eye of the Hurricane.
> -| Montana Max - Illegitimi non carborundum!
> _________________________________________________________
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Mehdi Hassanpour <mehdi.public at>
> To: Jon Pruett <montanamax at>; ubuntu-doc at
> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 1:09:47 AM
> Subject: Re:
> Hi Jon,
> Nice work! . I think as all these pages belong to one title
> "SoftwareEquivalents", it's better to have each section as a wiki
> sub-page... 
> I added some more software to Internet page and would like to start an
> Office page, let me know if you agree with creating sub-pages... 
> Bests
>                 --Mehdi
> On 01/12/06, Jon Pruett <montanamax at> wrote:
>         I'm new to the group and starting to port over the pages in
>         the old to the
>         new community wiki. The technical process makes sense to me (I
>         did a couple simple pages last night), but I have a question
>         that is more content related.
>         Should the SoftwareEquivalents page and it's branches be
>         ported even though they are on the CategoryDocumentation
>         list? 
>         That page has the following branches populated to a varying
>         degree with information -
>         SoftwareEquivalentsBusiness (1 item) 
>         SoftwareEquivalentsCAD (3 items)
>         SoftwareEquivalentsElectronic (really a list of specialized
>         Linux CAD applications without Windows equivalents)
>         SoftwareEquivalentsInternet (7 lines, most items mentioned in
>         other parts of the community wiki) 
>         SoftwareEquivalentsMisc (1 item with an existing dedicated
>         community wiki page)
>         SoftwareEquivalentsMultimedia (3 items with a very well built,
>         dedicated community wiki page)
>         My concern is for duplication of information and confusing of
>         end users. I'm leaning towards "yes, we should port the pages
>         not in their current format". I think the main Software
>         Equivalents page could remain as it does have value for new to
>         Linux users understanding what new applications they can use
>         to solve current needs. But I think the page should be made
>         more of a jumping point to existing wiki pages such as
> and
>         create new pages for things like the CAD software.  I think
>         this could be more productive than listing of one for one "old
>         application vs new application and fit better into the
>         community wiki style and format. 
>         I wanted to get feedback/direction/ideas from the team before
>         proceding. All polite feedback is appreciated, flames
>         cheerfully ignored. :)
>         Thanks,
>         - Jon "MontanaMax" Pruett
>         _________________________________________________________ 
>         -|                There is serenity in Chaos.
>         -|            Seek ye the Eye of the Hurricane.
>         -|      Montana Max - Illegitimi non carborundum!
>         _________________________________________________________
>         --
>         ubuntu-doc mailing list
>         ubuntu-doc at
> -- 
> ********************************************************
> Yours Sincerely, Mehdi Hassanpour
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> /* Of one Essence is the human race,
> Thusly has Creation put the Base;
> One Limb impacted is sufficient,
> For all Others to feel the Mace.
>                            ~Saadi (persian poet) -1258 */
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>     |
> ********************************************************

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