another correction

Richard Johnson nixternal at
Sat Dec 9 15:39:00 UTC 2006

On Saturday 09 December 2006 03:28, Jon Salenger wrote:
| From: 'SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows - Community Ubuntu Documentation'
| 'Where To Put Your Files'
| first line:
| were probably used to put your files...
| should probably be:
| ...were probably osed to putting...
| or
| probably used to put...
| My opinion is that the first choice is better.
| ___________________________________________________________________


Thanks for reporting the errors. I have gone ahead and fixed this. Just so you 
know, that you can create an account on the Ubuntu Community Docs wiki and 
edit yourself. If you goto and create a user account 
this will provide you access to both and allowing you to add a page or edit a page. Thanks 

.:Richard Johnson
.:nixternal at
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