- no index file?

Richard Johnson nixternal at
Thu Dec 7 05:04:45 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 06 December 2006 20:56, Dan McGarry wrote:
| Just noticed that <> doesn't seem to have
| an index file. Instead it shows a simple listing of the files and
| subdirectories. Is that by design?
| It strikes me that either a redirect or a somewhat prettier listing
| might be useful....
| --
| Dan McGarry		dmcgarry at
| Assistant General Manager
| CNS Ltd.

That site ( hosts the builds of our trunk repo in Subversion. 
The reason you see that is because of the different types of documentation 
available under ubuntu/. Once you select something like ubuntu/desktopguide/ 
you will then see the C/ directory, it is in here that you will find the 
index.html file for the Ubuntu Desktop Guide. If you are looking for 
the "pretty" effects of our "stable" system documentation, then you want to 
look at

Hope this explains it a little better. is nothing more than our 
staging area for documenting builds in our development branch. What you find 
there will either be out of date (i.e., Edgy documentation branched over to 
start the Feisty documentation cycle), or very much in a "draft" state.

.:Richard Johnson
.:nixternal at
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