Greek Help Page: Willing to translate

Konstantinos Togias ktogias at
Sun Aug 27 22:29:32 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I am a greek native speaker. When I visit
with my browser (that is configured to prefer pages writen in greek) I
get first page written in greek, but the links to
ubuntu desktop guide, kubuntu desktop guide, server guide and
packaging guide (both html and pdf versions) lead all to 404 not found
(eg. ).

As I figured out these are 'placeholders' for the greek versions of
the guides, but the documents are not there yet.

Is the translation of the guides already assigned to someone?
I would like to help translating the guides to greek, and if it is not
already assigned to someone, to take it on (with some help from
Ubuntu-gr's fellows maybe).

So, how can I start translating the english versions of the guides?
Are they ready?
Should I start now, or I have to wait until they are finished?
Is there a source for the pdf version?
How do you compose the guide (format, style) ?

I am also subscribed at the Ubuntu-gr mailing list
(, but I though
that I should get some info from you before bringing the matter to

Konstantinos Togias
University Of Patras
Dept. of Mathematics

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