Developer Documentation?

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at
Sun Aug 13 18:15:21 UTC 2006

Jordan Mantha wrote:
> IntroDeveloperDocs became the Packaging Guide

Cool. I think we should make people more aware of this. Sure, the
packaging guide is very specific, but I think it would be a good
stepping stone to all the other procedures around Ubuntu. Maybe
eventually integrating it with the bigger Ubuntu Developers' Reference.

> Ian Jackson started work on that spec in Dapper but has been too busy
> with other things (maintaining Firefox for one) to work on it much. I
> am sort of taking over working on it but I haven't gotten very far
> either. Right now the biggest problem is that it is written as a big
> patch to the Debian Developer's Reference (DDR) which is written in
> debiandoc SGML. I need to merge the existing changes with the latest
> version of the DDR  and figure out how to use all the debian doc
> tools.
Maybe there are somebody out there with mad skillz in the debiandoc
department who would like to help out moving this to DocBook, if that is
even possible. Or maybe lend a hand getting the doc into shape in the
current debiandoc format.

If you're a Debian developer, this would be a good opportunity to help
make Ubuntu developers aware of how they should act in relation to
Debian. Another win-win situation.. :-)

In any case, Jordan, you should definitely pimp this project some more,
as I'm sure there are plenty of MOTUs and others who'd be interested in
giving a hand to get a full developers' reference rocking. One thing is
that is annoying for current developers having to answer so many
questions, but it would also help all the would-be developers if they
had a reference on procedures and all the other things they need to
know. Also, you should definitely add to the list of official
Documentation projects so people know that it's there, and that it is
being worked on.




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