gathering material from the forum
Rich Johnson
nixternal at
Thu Aug 10 23:30:36 UTC 2006
On Thursday 10 August 2006 15:20, GrAnT GaLbRaiTh wrote:
> or maybe we should all just promote the use of the search button.
Always ;)
> On 8/11/06, GrAnT GaLbRaiTh <manicka at> wrote:
> > A short reflection on this project overnight really highlights the
> > duplicity of effort that goes into something like this. Not just from
> > UDSF to Wiki, but also from forums to Wiki in the first place. That's not
> > to say that this project is unimportant but we do need a better process
> > in place for the future.
The great thing about the forums, is someone adds their tutorial, and then
after a bunch of people have gone through, tried the howto, and added their
input on if it worked, didn't work, or what they had to do to make it work,
this is very important for the wiki, as there aren't many writers on the
forums going back over the entire topic, and editing the master post. Also,
it may seem like duplicity now, but in the future when we go from
wiki2docbook (hopefully this is coming), then we can easily turn the
community information into installable information.
> > Ultimately we would all be better served by improving the process for
> > how-tos to be published directly to the wiki itself as naaman proposed
> > some time ago. With plans for Forum Integration in their final stages and
> > soon to be implemented, it may be a good idea sometime in the near future
> > to investigate this idea again and see what can be achieved.
"...better served by improving the process for how-tos to be published
directly to the wiki itself..."
No matter what we do to improve the process, people are going to write their
tutorials/howto's the way they want to. There are still people in the forums
who have written tutorials, but don't have a LP or Wiki account. It is easier
to create a tutorial in the forums, and it probably always will be.
> > Grant
You have great points, as I have had the same ideas and what not as you have
posed, but after further discussion I realized just how important
this "duplicity" process can be, or is.
Someone of importance recently told me when I said, "all this duplication is
nuts," that w/o it out, you would have a bunch of text that doesn't make
sense to some, doesn't work for some, or doesn't work at all. OK, I can
follow that. Then they told me, when you go to a book store there are 50
books on the same topic by different writers/publishers. Knowing that, you
know the information in each book may be similar, but it will be different at
the same time. This book may have this info that is really good, and that
book has info on another topic that is great. You pull all that information
into one location, and you will be dealing with greatness. I believe that
person who told me this is on the list as well, and he can feel free to speak
up. ;)
If I have rambled, I apologize. Take care!
Richard Johnson ~ nixternal at <> <> <> <>
online everywhere as nixternal
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