adding X to server

Bhuvaneswaran bhuvan at
Tue Aug 1 06:50:33 UTC 2006

> > Also, he was complaining about the uselessness of the documentation.
> > We've been doing a lot of that lately as well.  Those of you who are
> > also on the server team, bear in mind that any improvements we make to
> > our documentation need to be echoed in the text based server
> > documentation to be truly useful.
> >
> > --
> >
> > later,
> >        ~joe auerbach
> Joe,
> We are always looking for more people to help us out with our server
> stuff. What sort of things are needed?

I understand the frustration was because the user was unable to view
the server guide in the console (?). or .. it is due to the quality of
the server guide ? If it is the former, then i guess, Jordhan have
raised this issue *long back*. Yeah, we (i) should come up with a
workable solution, if we have not already. If it is the latter, please
ask him to elaborate. Thank you!
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