test book

Jordan Mantha mantha at
Sun Apr 30 01:27:40 UTC 2006

Hi everybody!

  Well, Matthew sent me a suprise in the mail. I recieved a test copy of
the Ubuntu Packaging Guide from so we could check the cover and
quality, etc. So here are some notes:

* This really rocks!
* The cover:

   * the second Ubuntu icon (the one that is multicolored) doesn't pop
	 out to me as much as it did online. Maybe we need a bit more
	 contrast or something.

   * The guide title (in this case "Packaging Guide") needs to be pushed
     up towards the version (Ubuntu 6.06) as it is closer to "Ubuntu
	 Documenation Project" an makes it harder for the eyes to see the
	 important part ( Ubuntu 6.06 & Packaging Guide )

   * The back cover looks pretty bare (just plain white). I might
	 suggest something like a docteam logo/icon with "Ubuntu
	 Documentation Project (or team?)" and underneath have a URL
	 ( perhaps).

* The admonition icons need some serious help. I know this is in the
  works so I won't say to much other than they are really pixelated.

* The margins seem good. There are a couple places were some of the wide
  <screen> sections go pretty wide but that is probably more a problem
  with the packaging guide than the others.

* The internal cross references have a bracket with the page number (
  e.g. [18]). I was initially confused (Matthew had to tell me, stupid
  scientist that I am) by what they meant as I don't think that is
  mentioned in the conventions. Is this standard or can we make it a
  little clearer?

* We need to be careful with external URL's because they are shown
  inline. If there are shorter versions available (Malone for example)
  we might want to use those. I even noticed one of my URL's didn't have
  the http:// :(

* I found several little mistakes and perhaps places where I lost an
  <emphasis> or <filename> perhaps (if it isn't from the xml -> pdf
  conversion). I found the print version nice for proofreading, which is
  sort of bad because it is the last step in our process.

Overall, I really think this is a great idea and lulu did a great job.
The size is nice and the font is good, thanks for all your work Matthew.
If anybody has more questions or wants a picture or something, just let
me know.


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