New web based docbook editor project (was Re: Helping your documentation effort.)

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Apr 19 14:00:47 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 15:53 +0200, Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 20:34 +1000, Robert Stoffers wrote: 
> > >>> Each document has a "how to contribute/give feedback" section.
> > >>>
> > <--snip-->
> > > Read above, "each document has a feedback section". Please read that,
> > > and if you think it is deficient in some way, let us know how you would
> > > improve it.
> > 
> > What about giving you the ability to actually fix using just a web 
> > browser the section of a document you don't like, a little like a wiki?
> It'd be great if you can work on the technical barriers to this.
> You'll want to have a look at:

Thanks Duncan for your changes to that page, however, I've moved them to
a separate section in the spec ("Comments"), because that spec is
complete and adding new suggestions to the body of it will risk harming
the implementation. We want to keep that spec simple, otherwise
implementing it will become impossible, and including ideas about
reliability assurance for documentation will over-complicate things.

mdke at
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