New web based docbook editor project (was Re: Helping your documentation effort.)
Robert Stoffers
rstoffers at
Wed Apr 19 10:34:31 UTC 2006
>>> Each document has a "how to contribute/give feedback" section.
> Read above, "each document has a feedback section". Please read that,
> and if you think it is deficient in some way, let us know how you would
> improve it.
What about giving you the ability to actually fix using just a web
browser the section of a document you don't like, a little like a wiki?
Well, one day you might be able to do just that. I've been researching
our options, suffice to say they are pretty non-existent. A few
promising tools such as Sarma exist but they are largely incomplete or
very rough around the edges. Other potential solutions don't support
Docbook at all (such as Docudo).
I did mention that one will one day be able to edit a Docbook document
online. I plan on starting a new project soon that will bring this dream
into reality, using mod_python and parts of Sarma for the editing
interface. I'm also considering simple ACLs
(reader/author/maintainer/admin etc) and a administration interface that
the Documentation Team itself could control too. Best of all it will use
Subversion or Bazaar to store documents, providing decent version
management and allowing those more experienced to still use their
Docbook editors etc too. I was even considering looking at ways to
integrate it into Launchpad which would be simply awesome!
In the coming days I will do up a proper spec page for you all to read
and comment on. Please feel free to email me/the list and let me know
of any suggestions and/or features you would like to see or other
projects along similar lines that I may have missed.
Robert Stoffers
Ubuntu - rob1 at
Ubuntu Documentation Team -
Townsville Linux Users Group -
Freenode Staff - rob -
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