Quick review

Dan McGarry it.psl at fsp.org.vu
Wed Apr 12 03:50:04 UTC 2006

Adam Conrad wrote:
> Rocco Stanzione wrote:
>>Apache2: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html
>>sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-common
> I see this mistake over and over (and over) again in various Ubuntu
> guides and HOWTOs, and I really thing we need to stop.  If apache2
> depends on apache2-common (and yes, it does), then why on earth do we
> complicate things by telling users to explicitly install both?  "apt-get
> install apache2" would work just as well, and is much less confusing.

I wonder if this is a legacy of configuration (i.e. versioning) issues 
with certain apache2 packages in Ubuntu? I found myself doing something 
quite similar while attempting to get mod_perl properly configured on my 
Ubuntu (Breezy) machine.

It didn't solve anything, of course, and ultimately wasn't useful, but I 
wonder if, when someone finally got it working, they figured this was 
the 'magical' formula for it?

Dan McGarry		it.psl at fsp.org.vu

IT Consultant
Community Communications Project

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