Trying to locate getty.c file

Rocco Stanzione grasshopper at
Mon Apr 10 02:18:06 UTC 2006

On Sunday 09 April 2006 20:07, chris quillen wrote:
> I am looking for the getty.c file, which is used to
> create the getty executable.  The operating system
> does not come equipped with this .c file.  I have
> searched for this file on and did not come
> across it.  Is there any way I can get a hold of this
> getty.c file?  I would greatly appreciate a timely
> repsonse.  Thanks,

This list is for discussion of documentation.  Please post support requests to 
the ubuntu-users list.  To (sort of) answer your question, Ubuntu packages do 
not generally come with the source files (though -dev packages come have 
header files).  To get the source, apt-get source packagename, where 
packagename in this case may be util-linux.

Rocco Stanzione

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