Migration from Windows

Brian Burger blurdesign at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 07:22:14 UTC 2006

OK, now that we're frozen, we can go on to new stuff! <grin>

One of the things that I wish we'd had a chance to include in our various
Desktop Guides is a "Migrating from Windows" section - basically, how to
move IE bookmarks, OE saved mail, and other things over to Ubuntu.

To that end, I've created a roughed-out document/spec/template, here:

The irony is that I don't really have (full time) access to a Windows system
currently (and the only one I could get access to is Win98, not XP), so
other folks are going to have to fill in a lot of those gaps.

That said, I've been helping a friend move from Win98 to Ubuntu, and this
weekend we're going to tackle moving his Outlook Express stuff over to
Evolution or Thunderbird in Ubuntu, so I'll make notes during that process
and see what we can get that makes sense.

I also haven't really hit google yet; I'm sure there's lots of this info out
there in various places - so even just links to usable howtos would be a
good start in that page, before we produce Ubuntu-specific howtos there!

Congrats to everyone on a great set of docs for Dapper - it's been a
pleasure working on the Ubuntu Desktop Guide, and very cool to see it used
as a base for the Kubuntu & Xubuntu DGs too. Now let's start on filling the
gaps for Dapper+1!

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