kde.ent for Kubuntu and also Kubuntu release notes try two

Venkat Raghavan venkatraghavan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 20:03:47 UTC 2006

On Thursday 06 April 2006 15:18, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> I was wrong about KDE being 3.5.1 and changed it to 3.5.2 in KDE.ent
> More to come on release notes
I changed the KDE version to 3.5.2 and committed as revision 2812. 

I was unable to apply the patch for release notes. 

Please ensure that diffs are taken in the root directory (i.e. ubuntu-doc/ ) 
and not the directory of the document in question. 

Venkat 'robotgeek' Raghavan
Email: venkatvc (at) ubuntu.com | venkatraghavan (at) gmail (dot) com
GPG Key: 0xE9E707A9
Homepage: http://robotgeek.org

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