[patch] add applications - tarballs

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 22:50:03 UTC 2006

Matthew East wrote:

>I'm not quite sure of the right way to do this. We could probably
>enclose the words .rpm and .deb with <emphasis> tags to give them
>italics. What I'm concerned by is that several sentences begin with
>these words, and it looks odd to have them lower case, beginning with a
>period. I'm not sure if the styleguide gives us any guidance here.
>Perhaps RPM and DEB is the way to go. What do other people think?

>We might add this section to the "Installing .deb files" section, and
>change the name of that section to "Installing single files" or
>something generic. Brian, what do you think about adding a basic
>paragraph about tarballs along the lines of what Andreas has suggested?
>I have no objections. In fact, it might give the "Installing .deb files"
>section greater coherence by allowing us to give a proper introduction
>to why installing single files is a bad idea, but that it is possible if
>there are no other alternatives

I don't know if I'm getting ahead of myself here,but I decided to revise 
the section further according to Matt's suggestions. This patch changes 
the title of the "Installing .deb files" section to "Installing from a 
single package file". It also contains my attempt at a central 
introduction to why you shouldn't install single files.  Furthermore, 
I've also incorporated Jeff's suggestions on .rpm and .deb files, and 
hopefully, it should look reasonably consistent and readable now.

Hope this is useful,


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