I presumptuously created a wiki page

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Tue Apr 4 21:22:45 UTC 2006

I just wrote a long reply to Matt and Brian. Then I binned it. Here's my

1. People use docs to get help
2. Some Ubuntu docs are publically editable. This introduces a trust
issue for readers "Can I trust these docs?"
3. Users should have access to the best and widest range of docs.
4. Not all docs are created equal.
5. Users need to be aware of a 'hierarchy of trustworthiness which I
suggest exists, and is as follows:
   a. http://help.ubuntu.com - Official Documentation
   b. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation - Reviewed
Documentation, but unstable
   c. everything else they can find in the wiki
   (d. everything else they can find on the internet)

Now what's missing in this hierarchy? In my view group 'c' also deserves
a page to give it structure and context. At the moment it's pot luck on
whether you'll find what you want or not, and there's no easy way of
knowing if the page you're reading is 'b' or 'c'.

I believe this is the problem we need to work on, my solution is just
one of no doubt many.


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