[patch] add applications - tarballs

Jeff Schering jeffschering at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 16:13:30 UTC 2006

On 4/4/06, Rocco Stanzione <grasshopper at linuxkungfu.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 April 2006 08:31, Matthew East wrote:
> <snip>
> > I'm not quite sure of the right way to do this. We could probably
> > enclose the words .rpm and .deb with <emphasis> tags to give them
> > italics. What I'm concerned by is that several sentences begin with
> > these words, and it looks odd to have them lower case, beginning with a
> > period. I'm not sure if the styleguide gives us any guidance here.
> > Perhaps RPM and DEB is the way to go. What do other people think?
> RPM is an acronym (Redhat Package Manager), so it might make sense in all
> caps, but deb is not.  This is a brain tickler.  I noticed that both IBM and
> Debian tend to refer to them in their documentation as "Debian packages" (see
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-debpkg.html and
> http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/336) but that could be
> misleading since we're referring to Ubuntu packages.  I don't have any great
> ideas at the moment on how to solve this.
How about this:

1. Use RPM when talking about the Redhat Package Manager, and .rpm
when talking about a file created or used by RPM. That is, .rpm files
are the format used by RPM.

2. Similarly for .deb files, except they are used by apt-get and the like.

3. Apt-get and the like at the beginning of sentences should have the
first letter capitalized.

4. Never use .deb or .rpm at the beginning of a sentence. There is
always a way to work around having .deb or .rpm or .anything at the
beginning of a sentence.

Does that work?


Jeff Schering
GPG: F23C67E8

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