[Bug 27906] Re: [Bug 27906] Re: Confusion between firefox and ubuntu-artwork

Paul O'Malley ompaul at eircom.net
Tue Apr 4 13:51:36 UTC 2006

wfjm wrote:

>The original problem was that the default configuration of firefox uses as homepage a file which was in ubuntu-artwork. This problem thus only showed with a fresh firefox install and when no user setting were imported. Also, with hindsight, this bug should have been filed against firefox and not against ubuntu-artwork. The default homepage of a browser should be part of that package.
The problem this brings to mind is that as a user when filing such a bug 
one has no real indication of where to point. Artwork was choosen 
because of where that file lived.

I wonder about that logic beacuse Firefox was doing its job, i.e. 
telling people what it was pointed at.
The file was not there it is not Firefoxs problem.
My thinking goes as follows:
if I choose www.ubuntu.com as my homepage
and the browser does not www.ubuntu.com
then the fault could be that www.ubuntu.com is down
or a problem with the browser.

If the browser can get to www.ubuntu.com when typed in but could not 
pick up the same site from the homepage setting then I would agree with 
you. However in this case the address for the file was at fault so I 
can't see why I would blame firefox.


Paul O'Malley

Typo in kubuntu-docs

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