Yelp TOC (was Re: Ubuntu Help compared with other help systems)

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Apr 3 08:54:46 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 00:38 -0700, Corey Burger wrote:
> <snip>
> > Attached is a patch that adds a title to the top of the categories.  In
> > the patch, it reads as "This is a placeholder string" until wording is
> > decided (if you decide to use the patch).  It replaces the other patch.
> >
> > As before, screenshot at:
> >
> > (With slightly different wording ;) ).
> >
> > The message adds 1 translatable string (the message to display).
> >
> > Don
> Very nice. I think we should do this.

Right, unless anyone really doesn't like this idea (and says so!) then I
think we should do it too. Now, what wording should we use as a title
for the bottom section? I'd quite like:

"The following other categories of documentation are available:"

I like the word "category" because it makes it clear that, as opposed to
the guides in the top section, the links are not guides, but groups of
guides. The disadvantage of using the word "other" is that it already
appears in one of the categories, but at the moment I can't think of a
way of getting round this. Thoughts on wording?

> Mpt's comments about dropping
> the "The" and "Guide" parts would be good, but not essential.

This has been done already.

mdke at
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