xeon processor

Brian Puccio brian at brianpuccio.net
Sun Apr 2 18:14:41 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-02 at 10:56 -0700, Todd Hooten wrote:
>  I am a novice and am interested in the Ubuntu
> packages.
>  I have a clean, refurbished computer with an Intel
>  Xeon 2.8 GHz, 1 MB Cache processor. I am trying to
>  ascertain if Ubuntu "Breezy" is compatible with this.

Can't help you with your second question, but yes, Ubuntu is compatible
with this hardware.

You are better off discussing this on the ubuntu-users mailing list,
this list is for documentation discussion.
                                                   brian at brianpuccio.net
                                                   GPG Key ID 0xBBD2401F
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