Opinions on hosting translated documentation

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 2 12:49:07 UTC 2006

Hi all,

Recently I've been thinking about the hosting of translated
ubuntu-specific documentation. It hasn't been translated yet, so it's
still early days, but it's nice to think about these things early.

Jordi suggested hosting all the translated documentation on the
documentation website[1] and I think this is quite a good idea. It would
mean that we could set up that website to default to the user's
browser-defined language, and the other major advantage to that would be
that the link in System -> Help -> Online Documentation would point at
documentation in the user's local language.

[1] http://help.ubuntu.com/6.04/

The technical difficulties of doing this are pretty minimal (the largest
one will probably be that we might need a better server for that

The disadvantage might be that a number of teams host documentation on
their own local website (ubuntu-cc.org) and may wish to have the
documentation there. Another disadvantage is that the main Ubuntu
website is not localised, so localising help.ubuntu.com might look

So for those reason I'd like to hear people's views on this. An obvious
solution might be to host the translated documentation on
help.ubuntu.com, and locoteams can mirror it on their own websites. I
think I'd probably be in favour of doing this.

Let me know what you think.

mdke at ubuntu.com
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