Ubuntu Help compared with other help systems

Don Scorgie DonScorgie at Blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Apr 1 16:56:36 UTC 2006


On Sat, 2006-04-01 at 13:41 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> Thanks very much for this: we can see what people think.
> I agree it's not ideal, but it does go a long way to addressing the
> problem people have identified in this thread.
> It might be improved even further if we can give the second (non-Ubuntu)
> section a title, or explanations, just to make it absolutely clear what
> is going on.

Attached is a patch that adds a title to the top of the categories.  In
the patch, it reads as "This is a placeholder string" until wording is
decided (if you decide to use the patch).  It replaces the other patch.

As before, screenshot at:
(With slightly different wording ;) ).

The message adds 1 translatable string (the message to display).


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