bug in about-ubuntu

Claude Paroz paroz at email.ch
Sat Sep 17 20:03:05 UTC 2005

Le samedi 17 septembre 2005 à 13:15 +0100, Matthew East a écrit :
> There is a bug in the about-ubuntu document which means that the Ubuntu
> icon which should only be appearing on the first page, also appears on
> the second page in yelp, in the middle of the navigation bar. Weird. Any
> ideas on how to fix this?

The problem is that Yelp is using the <title> for navigation, and the
logo is embedded in the title tag.
Until now I didn't succeed in putting the logo at the top without
including it in title...

BTW it's ok Matt with about-ubuntu-fr.xml generation. It was still my
fault :(


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