Today's Craziness

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Fri Sep 9 17:54:35 UTC 2005

The Kubuntu docs build well, its just not updated that much. I was talking 
to Riddell last night along with Jonathan Jesse and Riddell didn't mind it 
at all (even if it was a bit late as well). With a few love (which I seem to 
have so little at this moment), the Kubuntu docs might still come in.


On 9/10/05, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:
> On Friday 09 September 2005 19:39, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> > No idea either. I just left for some beers and when i came back for the
> > meeting, everyone was editing the docs.
> Frustrating really since the Kubuntu stuff, last I looked, builds well and 
> is
> Riddle has never had a problem uploading the kubuntu-docs package to be
> integrated.
> Looks like we will now have to maintain twice the XML.

Jerome G.
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