Questions on Documentation on the wiki

Troy Williams troywill1 at
Wed Oct 26 23:07:39 UTC 2005

On Wednesday October 26 2005 3:39 pm, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> I am currently looking at and notice that the
> information here really deals directly with Ubuntu.  However if I use
> Kubuntu should I look for KubuntuCDRipping or should we have a section that
> deals w/ specific Kubuntu details.
> KAudioCreator replaces Sound Juicer in the ability to rip to either .mp3
> or .ogg.  So how do we deal w/ this on the wiki?  Maybe a
> Jonathan

In my mind it would make sense to add the specific Kubuntu details to that 
same page (CDRipping) just because I don't distinguish the distribution by 
the DE, but that may not be the way users in general look at it.

It would be a shame to lose valuable contribution on either side (gnome or 
kde) which might have application to both given a certain situation.  I 
could, however, make valid arguments for

How is that for sliding squarely down the middle of the fence?
Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams
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