Sec: Unclassified RE: proposal for our repository structure post-breezy

Sean Wheller sean at
Wed Oct 19 05:43:41 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 19 October 2005 04:25, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> Forking of the Kubuntu docs and doing it elsewhere does not foster
> cooperation within the people interested in helping out. Every release
> cycle we learn from past mistakes and forking isn't going to help
> further in a social sense.

So what are your suggestions? I hear lots of don't do it, but few real 
answers. At present I cannot see how kubuntu-doc is benefiting from being in 
the Ubuntu repository. I am thinking that if it were to split out it will 
become more visable and stand a greater chance of people joining. At present, 
when people come and want to join they are bombarded with Ubuntu/Gnome and 
quickly retreat in the face of desktop wars. When new people come to the IRC 
channel or ask on the list what they can do, they are encouraged only to work 
on Ubuntu stuff.
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355

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