Sec: Unclassified RE: proposal for our repositorystructure post-breezy

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Wed Oct 19 02:25:25 UTC 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-doc-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-doc-bounces at]On Behalf Of Sean Wheller
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 4:52 PM
To: ubuntu-doc at
Subject: Re: Sec: Unclassified RE: proposal for our repositorystructure

On Tuesday 18 October 2005 21:07, Troy Williams wrote:
> I have not faded away, although it would appear that way.  I have not
> had the luxury of being particularly active the past couple of months
> due to increased responsibilities at work, but I continue to read every
> post to this list, pop into irc from time-to-time and make the
> occasional tweak to a doc/wiki page.
> My plan is to be able to participate more actively very soon.  Just
> wanted to chime-in on the side of Kubuntu documentation.

Hello Troy,

Good to hear from you.

Seems that people see my wanting to fork the kubuntu-docs as a bad thing.
Strange how people always read negative into things. Anyway, I appreciate
that yourself and others have busy schedules. I am also running like crazy
keep work going, hence I also had to step away from the kubuntu-doc project.

My reasoning for wanting the move is that I feel kubuntu-doc needs a home of
its own. I voice it here so that others will discuss and debate with open
unemotional mind on the topic. I look to find what is best for the
Kubuntu-doc project.

Kubuntu-docs is presently totally over shadowed by Ubuntu-doc and I think it
will remain so as long as it stays in ubuntu. I may be wrong, but I think
that other distributions trying to work in the same way will also be over
shadowed. Ubuntu is just to big. I have felt that people wanting to do work
on the smaller side often feel over whelmed by the size and activity of
Ubuntu. Somebody once asked, something to the effect of,  "Why does working
on kubuntu-docs feels like you are working on the arse end of the world?"  I
can't remember who, but it must be in the archives.

Anyway, as the person who first started to muster support for doing
kubuntu-docs, I am reflecting on the project and trying to see what will
it work better. The course of breezy development has drawn me to the
conclusion that if it is ever to step out from the shadow of Ubuntu it must
make a presence of its own.

Naturally, I in no way own the project and people are totally entitled to
disagree. Should people feel that the current arrangement is working just
swell, then they are still free to continue. My intention is not to hinder.
am just daring to ask questions based on my observations and feels. I do
realize that suggesting a split in this forum such as this with such a high
loyalty to Ubuntu, may be asking for trouble, but I also feel that we need
be free to actually look at what we are doing once in awhile and decide how
to proceed. INHO no time is better than just after a release, that is why I
have not mentioned this until now.


I believe it was me that said something like that when I was the only one
working on the docs.  I guess a large part of me is frustrated that for the
longest time we don't hear any from you Sean, until some major change is
proposed by you.  I believe in being honest and hopefully have always been
which is why I just shared what I did.

If we are going to have a separate Kubuntu-docs team, then we need a
seperate Edubuntu-docs and Xubuntu-Docs and *ubuntu-docs that come along

While I said that sometimes I feel like the lone ranger, the bigger
frustration for me with the way that docs worked for Breezy is that I didn't
know I was the lone doc writer for Kubuntu until just before string freeze
and had to rush to get about-kubuntu and kreleasenotes finished.

I also feel that lately things have started to change w/ the DocTeam in
regards to Kubuntu docs.  In the last meetings that I have been to, people
have always asked how things are going and what the state of things are
which is greatly appreciated.

However Kubuntu-Docs should be a part of the whoe Ubuntu-Docs team.  I have
worked on Ubuntu-docs, worked on Kubuntu-docs, worked on the wiki and have
and always feel a part of the same team not "an army of one."

The structure change to svn makes a lot of sense to me and makes the
distinction between Kubuntu and Ubuntu stronger.

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