Sec: Unclassified RE: proposal for our repository structure post-breezy

Stoffers, Robert LAC Robert.Stoffers at
Mon Oct 17 23:49:33 UTC 2005

I don't see the point at this stage from moving away from docbook, so lets keep that for now (I am interested to see what happens with project Mallard though). If gnome-doc-utils is going to make our lives easier then I am all for it. 

The other major issue that has been bought up is switching from subversion to baz, the only issue I have (keep in mind I have never used baz) is that baz makes it easier for people to fork documents whenever they want to. If people decide not to work as part of the team and/or fail to communicate with others properly (which has happened in the past) this will be a bad thing for moral and the docteam in general. I think we can all work professionally and this won't be an issue, but it is something we have to keep in mind before deciding to switch. 

I also think the current structure of our repository is a mess. I think we should lay it out something like this (off the top of my head):

- /ubuntu
|     |_ /faqguide
|     |_ /quicktour
|     |_ /userguide
|     |_ /gnome
|     |_ etc..
- /kubuntu
|     |_ /faqguide
|     |_ /userguide
|     |_ /kde
|     |_ etc..
- /xubuntu
|     |_ /faqguide
|     |_ etc..
- /edubuntu
|     |_ /userguide
|     |_ etc..
- /common
|     |_ etc..(entities, licences, any common stuff)
- /build
      |_ etc..

With /build we can either have it off root as we do now, or maintain separate ones for each distro in each folder. As for the faq guide, I'm still giving this some thought as to the best way to go. I'd be really happy if gnome-doc-utils could solve our profile problem then we could look at merging it all back together. I would also like to do an Xubuntu faq guide too.


Robert Stoffers
Author/Maintainer - Ubuntu FAQ Guide
Email - rstoffers at

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-doc-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-doc-bounces at]On Behalf Of Jonathan Jesse
Sent: Monday, 17 October 2005 23:54
To: ubuntu-doc at
Subject: Re: proposal for our repository structure post-breezy

Can the gnome-doc build be used for Kubuntu-docs as well? I would love to get 
these into Rosetta as well so we can get those translated as well.

On Monday 17 October 2005 09:39, George Deka wrote:
> I think we need to stay docbook, that way we have a choice in which
> format we publish, which was critical this release.
> Moin cannot handle docbook - so No from me
> moving to gnome-doc-utils has its upsides such as importing the gnome
> docs and making mods should theoretically be easier.
> I for one would love to take the gnome guide and bring it back up to
> scratch, however time is my issue.
> BTW: Being in Australia makes getting to the doc meetings very hard,
> so i try voice myself here
> On 17/10/05, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> > I've tentatively put the following proposal up for issue at the next
> > docteam agenda, basically because we really need a simpler and effective
> > build structure in order to get l10n working more easily for next
> > release. We've done a whole lot of stuff manually in this release, which
> > has been a pain.
> >
> >
> >
> > I've noticed some comments on that page already by mhz. I'm not
> > particularly convinced about using Moin for translations, but then
> > again, I haven't seen any arguments in favour yet. Perhaps this thread
> > will be a good place to start.
> >
> > The advantages of using rosetta and gnome-doc-utils build system would
> > be, as I see them (the following are not necessarily discreet points):
> >
> > (a) The rest of Ubuntu is using Rosetta and it is a closely-related
> > project to Ubuntu
> > (b) Ubuntu translators are already using rosetta so putting docs in
> > there will attract them to help, rather than make them use two different
> > tools
> > (b) Gnome-doc-utils is a tried and tested tool and is used for all gnome
> > documentation
> > (c) We used gnome-doc-utils for generating translated xml this release
> > (d) Ubuntu uses and has a close relationship to Gnome
> > (e) Gnome documentation and Ubuntu documentation need to get closer
> > together
> > (f) Ubuntu documentation as published in ubuntu-docs basically follows
> > the gnome doc packaging layout (afaik) in order to be compatible with
> > yelp.
> >
> > As far as I can see, the Moin xml work is still pretty raw, whereas the
> > gnome doc guys have been using g-d-u for ages with success. I should
> > also say I had some really good help from those guys when trying to sort
> > out translations.
> >
> > Any comments from people with the same/other views and less/more
> > knowledge than me about this aspect are really welcome!
> >
> > I hope none of my comments are based on "religious" preferences (god I
> > hate that word) and that we can sort out the best and easiest build
> > system for the next release.
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > --
> > mdke at
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