Serving documents on the internet

matthew.east.ubuntu at matthew.east.ubuntu at
Thu Oct 13 19:32:22 UTC 2005

Hey all, 

I'm trying to serve the documents on the internet, but I'm having lots of 
problems. Here is a summary of them so if anyone can help with any of them, 
please do! 

* I've got pointed at the linode BUT for some reason apache 
is not recognising the virtual server I made for it 
(sites-available/ So for now, I've put a symlink at to the docs I've built and hosted. But they themselves 
have lots of problems.
* css for aboutubuntu and faqguide is really not good.
* faqguide still has those weird symbols after I build it using "make faq" 
from branches/breezy/gnome. (see
* "make au" and "make faq" are only building english version, not the other 
* faqguide has the unnecessary "revision history" section 

We need to get most or all of these sorted before releasing our docs on the 

Any help appreciated! 

Thanks, Matt

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