Sec: Unclassified RE: Ubuntu Desktop Starter Guide Feedback

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Nov 29 22:02:14 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 11:03 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 12:21 +1000, Stoffers, Robert LAC wrote:

> I think my point is more basic than this: the three top levels
> inherently overlap because of their nature - some common tasks involve
> configuring your system. I think we should search for a more mutually
> exclusive structure. When I have a bit more time I'll make some
> suggestions on the relevant wiki page. I don't think we have to limit
> things to 3 top level categories, we can have more.

I had another look at the Desktop Guide, and found that the structure is
pretty spot on, in my opinion. I still think that things can be made
easier to find: 3 (or 4) top level categories mean that users have to
click more to find things, and where the sections are very broad, this
can make it difficult for the user to find stuff. So I tweaked around
with the structure and came up with:

What do people think?

mdke at
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