Fwd: Errors in aboutubuntu (HTML validness, Open source/Free Software confusion, link typo and CSS warnings)

Corey Burger corey.burger at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 22:08:04 UTC 2005

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeroen van Splunder <jeroen-91 at home.nl>
Date: Nov 26, 2005 2:05 PM
Subject: Errors in aboutubuntu (HTML validness, Open source/Free
Software confusion, link typo and CSS warnings)
To: corey.burger at gmail.com


First of all, thanks to Corey for sending this to the mailinglist.

There are some errors in aboutubuntu:

* It's not valid HTML because it misses an alt tag for the header
* The section "The Open Source Philosophy" talks about the philosophy of
GNU - that's the Free Software Philosophy, not "The Open Source
* (In the same section), "You can find more about this philosophy
here.": 'here' links to a 404. It links to http://www.gnu.org/philsophy/
but that should be http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/
* And the CSS validator gives warnings on the CSS (though that's not
really a problem, since they're just that - warnings)

IRC log below:

21:54 < Hieronymus> hello
21:54 < Hieronymus>
21:55 < Hieronymus> header "The Open Source Philosophy" talks about
GNU's philosophy, which is "The Free Software Philosophy"
21:56 < Hieronymus> also, "You can find more about this philosophy
here.": 'here' links to a 404
21:56 < Hieronymus> http://www.gnu.org/philsophy/ ->
22:02 < Hieronymus>
22:02 < Hieronymus> It's not valid HTML either
22:17 < LaserJock> interesting
22:18 -!- Burglaptop [n=corey at S0106001217da6aab.gv.shawcable.net] has
joined #ubuntu-doc
22:19 < Hieronymus> LaserJock: and the CSS gives warnings (though that's
not really a problem, since they're just that - warnings)
22:22 < LaserJock> Burglaptop: you here?
22:23 < Hieronymus> also, I should note that the HTML error is also in
the current dapper and (IIRC) breezy version
22:30 < Hieronymus> I could/would fix the HTML, but I think it comes
from a DocBook source. Right?
22:32 < LaserJock> Hieronymus: right, but unfortunately I don't have
commit access to the svn repo so I can't make the changes myself.
22:33 < LaserJock> ok, I found the bad gnu philosophy link
22:37 < Hieronymus> good
22:38 < Hieronymus> Where can I download the DocBook source? (Just
interested, dont think I can fix it..)
22:40 < LaserJock> the svn docteam repo. check out
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamGettingStarted and
22:47 < Hieronymus> <imagedata
fileref="../../images/&language;/ubuntuheader.png" format="PNG"/>
22:48 < Hieronymus> would adding alt="Ubuntu" be enough?
22:50 < LaserJock> Hieronymus: I don't know, probably. I think the best
thing for you do is email the ubuntu-doc mailing list. Nobody seems to
be awake around here right now ;-)

Jeroen van Splunder <jeroen-91 at home.nl>

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