Let's get some Kubuntu Docs on help.ubuntu.com

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 13 11:44:48 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 10:48 +0530, Bhuvaneswaran wrote:
> > I'd like it if the docs were in the same place: should we:
> > (a) Host them in both places
> > (b) Host them just on kubuntu.org
> > (c) Host them just on help.u.c and ask for the Documentation tab of
> > Kubuntu.org to be pointed there?
> I go with you. We must maintain only one copy. IMO, kubuntu.org is
> kubuntu specific. So, it's more appropriate to maintain all kubuntu
> documentation in this site. But, if need be, we can maintain these
> links in help.ubuntu.com.

But we _will_ be using doc.ubuntu.com for hosting previews for the kde
docs? Seems a bit strange not to use help.u.c for the finished items.
Anyhow, perhaps you're right that the best plan is just to link to

mdke at ubuntu.com
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