Let's get some Kubuntu Docs on help.ubuntu.com

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 13 11:39:27 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 09:54 +0530, Bhuvaneswaran wrote:
> > One other thing: kquickguide in branches/breezy doesn't validate due to
> > that thing with the entities and the licences. I've made a "make
> > kqg-web" entry for it in the makefile, but I'll only be able to test
> > that and upload if the doc validates.
> It was due to ccbysa and fdl entries. I've replaced it with xinclude.
> Now, i'm able to validate this document. In addition, i've made
> correction in the mentioned Makefile. I've attached both the patches.
> please verify and apply, thankx.

Thanks for this, I've applied, and it works.

> NOTE: The xi:include tag doesn't seem to reflect in html file. The
> problem exist in our trunk as well. We must correct it.

Ok this is an easy one - you have to pass --xinclude in the Makefile.
I've added this and also ported all my changes back to trunk.

mdke at ubuntu.com
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
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