Document Storage Facility Website (was Re: docs for installing new Thunderbird builds)

Paul Tepper paultep at
Fri Nov 11 08:52:43 UTC 2005

 >>>> Doc:
 >>> > >
 >>> > > Document Storage Facility: this appears to be a separate wiki with
 >>> > > documentation, like the ubuntu wiki, but not. Perhaps this 
question may
 >>> > > open a can of worms, but...
 >>> > >
 >>> > > why?
 >> >
 >> > I think it is a good idea to get some dialogue going about this new
 >> > wiki, so that we can collaborate and avoid duplication of effort (my
 >> > favourite subject!)
 >> >
 >> > So I've posted about it here:
 >> >
 >> >

Wow this is odd - I didn't really look at this Doc Storage Facility very 
closely, figured it was another piece of the Ubuntu support, although I 
thought it was weird that this thing existed given the fact the the 
ubuntu wiki already does 'document storage'. I should have been tipped 
off that it wasn't "official" by the lack of ubuntu branding :) I agree 
that keeping it somewhat centralized to avoid duplicating effort and 
confusion is the way to go.

 > I currently cannot access their web server.  Not sure if the problem
 > is on my end, or only a temporaly glitch on their side.  Or if they
 > shut it down already...

It was down when I read this thread earlier today, but up now. I guess 
it's not so stable.

 >> > I don't know any better way to contact the people involved, if anyone
 >> > knows, please involve them in this discussion!

Well, the forum user manicka claimed to have done the adding to the Doc 
Storage site, so it's probably safe to assume he'd be a good person to 
get in touch with:

His email is listed as solhdari at

(p.s. sorry if this gets posted twice, accidentally sent it from the 
wrong account last time)


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