meeting time

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Wed Nov 2 04:32:21 UTC 2005

> I'd like to propose a variation on the meeting time: having it at 1400
> each fortnight excludes the same people every time and I think a
> rotation would be better.
> I'd propose 2300 UTC on Friday, which will be either Friday daytime,
> Friday evening or Saturday morning for most of us, I think.
> Anyone have any strong views about this?

I'm all for this change+rotation.  14:00UTC is always bad for me.
23:00UTC is right in during my work day, but at least I'm often near a
computer at that time.

Once a decision is made for this Friday, could someone change wiki
page.  Then I'll change the ITC meeting topic and the Fridge calendar.

Daniel Robitaille

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