Web sites for docteam

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Mon May 30 16:25:40 UTC 2005

Hello Henrik,

You have been volunteered to resolve the following infrastructure requirement 
to be run on host: (the machine where our svn is currently 

For released docs we would like to use

For in progress we would like to use 

Please can you arrange for these two services and explain how we may have 
access to update them. Alternately, lets decide on a process to update them. 
For docteam.ubuntu.com I think you can just do a schedule build off of svn. 
For help.ubuntu.com I think we will need the assistance of somebody in 
Canonical that has an account on that machine.

With the recent addition of a2m and moin2docbook we will port stable wiki docs 
to db xml and store them in svn: // ...  incoming/ until we know where to put 
them in the framework. As stuff is worked on in the framework we would like 
to upload HTML versions to docteam.ubuntu.com. This will give greater 
visability into the development underway in svn. On release the docs will be 
moved to help.ubuntu.com where they will stay for eternity. On 
help.ubuntu.com we will have links to all versions of docs. This caters for 
people who may install hoary and not move to breezy.

Please note that as translations arrive they will be added to svn and also 
moved to docteam.ubuntu and/or help.ubuntu.

Let us know if this can be done.

Thanks for volunteering :-)

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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