preparing for the wiki move

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at
Mon May 30 00:43:09 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 14:25 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Hi,
> In preparation for moving the doc team wiki pages, I have set up a table
> of contents with some of the pages that should be moved (the pages whose
> parent is 'DocumentationTeam' in the current wiki). There may be other
> pages floating around the current wiki that should also be included in
> the /doc section.
> see:

I just saw that the pages from the old wiki have all been imported into
the test wiki... so much for the plan that we evolved!

Again the docteam was kept out of the loop while this was done :/ That
frustrates me to some extent because of the time spent discussing how we
can help recently.

Anyway, moving on from that ;) Are there any issues that we can help out
with from the transition? The two questions that spring immediately to
mind are:

1. the pages which had contents born out of the zwiki parenting scheme
have now lost that. What can/should we do to get them back?

2. is there any way to merge changes that will occur on the normal wiki
into the new wiki?

no doubt there are more things, but these are the two things that popped
into my head just now.

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