Ubuntuguide.org translations

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Thu May 19 13:30:59 UTC 2005

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com writes: 

>>> I have temporarily put a a xhtml 1.1 version of the ubuntuguide on my 
>>> web space:
>>>    http://www3.telus.net/robitaille/guide/   
>>> According to http://validator.w3.org/  is is a valid xhtml1.1
>>> document. (and if you are wondering: a xhtml 1.1 document should be
>>> very similar to a xhtml1.0 strict document)
>> That's extremely helpful thanks a million! I'll give it a try, and we can 
>> see. Have a bit of patience, I can only try this when I get home this 
>> evening.
> I have tested it now, I'm getting the same errors from the html2pot 
> script, so either (a) the document is not yet close enough to xhtml1.0 
> strict to work, or (b) bug in the script. I'm liasing with the guy who 
> wrote the script to try and sort it out. More news soon hopefully. 

We can rule out (a), Daniel's code validates as xhtml1.0 strict as well. So 
its (b). 


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