Ideas please

squareyes squareyes at
Tue May 17 01:39:20 UTC 2005

Corey Burger wrote:

>On 5/15/05, squareyes <squareyes at> wrote:
>>Sean Wheller wrote:
>>>Nice one squareyes, would you be so kind as to put that into svn in
>>>docbook xml format. If you put it in SVN we can all collaborate on the
>>>src. Off course we don't want the stuff on knoppix :-)
Have removed the files on Knoppix help, running out of web space

>>>We could use your energy in developing the docs ;-)
Had energy 40 years ago,   now ?
Time yes, working on 25 years,  energy limited. :-)

>>Hi Sean,
>>have absolutely no idea of how to go about xml,
>>am on a pension, still figuring out html, trial and error
>>method. Brain power is limited, time I have more than enough of :-)
>>Is there a simple way to go about conversion to docbook?
>>Take Care
>>ubuntu-doc mailing list
>>ubuntu-doc at
>Why don't we dump this on the wiki for now, and then later we can
>worry about getting into docbook.
Could someone advise me steps to go about this, need to be in
very simple terms, and I will see what I can do. Hope the wiki is
unbreakable :-)
Take Care


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