Swap faq announce

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) y.lesaint at gmail.com
Mon May 16 15:36:01 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 13:26 +0100, Sam Tygier wrote:
> Santiago Erquicia wrote:
> > On 5/15/05, Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>also no answer yet to the question, i turn off swap on my laptop, will i get more batter life? i have 768mb of ram, so i dont really need swap do i?
> >>
> >>  Well, all in all, i don't think so. Is there a reason to think
> >>otherwise ? If you have enough ram, linux will swap out pages if it
> >>thinks this will decrease overall disk access (increasing the amount of
> >>available cached memory). Maybe i'm wrong ?
> > 
> > Wouldn't you need it for suspending (hibernating) your computer?  In
> > that case, don't you need at least the amount of RAM you have?
> >
> I have 768mb ram and 512mb swap, and i can suspend/sleep fine, its a power book so the mechanism might be different, it think the data stays in ram.

  Sam, i think you're talking about the disk shutting down after some
period of inactivity.

  I think Santiago is talking about some control on the laptop that
would make the kernel dump all ram and some other things into swap so
that on reboot, the kernel could load and restore the exact system
state. There is a complete hardware shutdown here.

  I think the thingie's called "software suspend" or "suspend to disk"
and needs at least as much swap available than the amount of data you
have in ram (called it "power suspend" in the faq but i'm wrong).

  It's in the todo list (at the end of the faq), but i think (gathering
some memories) that you should have as much swap than ram (at least)
with some other conditions as well. Need some work here.

  I may try to play a little bit with this this week but obviously, any
help would be welcomed.


Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at gmail.com>
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