Announcing Kubuntu FAQ

Abdullah Ramazanoglu ar018 at
Mon May 16 11:51:51 UTC 2005

Corey Burger dedi ki:

> Hopefully we can move this over to the Ubuntu wiki once it gets
> migrated, so we can all edit it and fix errors. That is so if you drop
> off the planet tomorrow, your excellent docs don't go with you.

In case I switch planets, I hope BerliOS wouldn't come along with me. :)

Currently the doc is too fast paced to migrate. I may overhaul chapters,
merge them, split them, add new ones, etc. But once it gets somewhat
stabilized, then I think it would be easier to do that.

I can think of wiki (how to handle a big html doc in wiki?), forum, or
monthly mail digesting. Perhaps all of them? Any other ways?

Best regards,
Abdullah Ramazanoglu
aramazan ÄT myrealbox D0T cöm

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