Ubuntu Hoary Tv-out howto.
Corey Burger
corey.burger at gmail.com
Mon May 16 08:16:35 UTC 2005
On 5/15/05, Daniel Hedblom <daniel.hedblom at skola.solleftea.se> wrote:
> By Daniel Hedblom (daniel.hedblom at solleftea.se) 2005.05.15
> This howto show howto use the tvout function on Ubuntu. I have only tried this
> with Geforce MX 2 and 440 but it should work just as well on any driver from
> nvidia.com. I suspect it will work with any card who you can get to run on the
> TV from an xorg.conf file. The trick for me is to just make a second xorg.conf
> file that works on the tv. That way you dont have to mess with the original one
> and are free to experiment.
> For e.g the Device section of my /etc/X11/xorg.conf2 looks like this:
> -----------------8<--------------
> Section "Device"
> Option "NoLogo" "True"
> Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"# <str>
> Option "TVStandard" "pal-b"# <str>
> Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"# <str>
> Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x]"
> Driver "nvidia"
> BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
> EndSection
> -----------------8<--------------
> ConnectedMonitor, TVStandard and TVOutFormat are the ones important. Theese
> settings depends on what TV you use and what country you are in. The whole list
> is availiable in the documentation at /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz
> This stops the X server currently running.
> Make a copy of your current xorg.conf:
> sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf2
> Start your new X server with:
> sudo X :1 vt8 -xf86config xorg.conf2
> This starts the X server and transfer control to it on vt8. To return just press
> [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Backspace]. When you have a working xorg.conf2 witch gives you a
> picture on the TV its time for the rest.
> We will have to do a script for starting mplayer, xine or what videoplayer you
> happen to like.
> My script video.sh looks like this and are put into /usr/bin :
> -----------------8<--------------
> #!/bin/sh
> # Starts an empty X session with a separate xorg.conf settings file.
> X :1 vt8 -xf86config xorg.conf2 +bs -ac &
> #Exports Display to 1
> export DISPLAY=:1
> # Launches an xterm that launches mplayer or any other program on the tv.
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e /usr/bin/mplayer -fs -zoom "$*"
> -----------------8<--------------
> In Nautilus or Konqueror i just point at this script. (/usr/bin/video.sh)
> The script starts a new X server, exports it and run mplayer in full screen with
> the file handed to it from Nautilus, Konqueror or any other file manager. To
> check out the script if it fails try it from a shell so you can see any possible
> error message. Just use /usr/bin/video.sh /path/to/file.mpg.
> Ohh, and remember to make it executable:
> chmod 755 /usr/bin/video.sh
> You cannot start the X server as a normal user on ubuntu so we have to fix that
> since you do not want to be root all the time.
> nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
> Change allowed_users=rootonly to allowed_users=anybody.
> Your tv out should now be working nicely.
> Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
> ////
> (O O)
> ('< +----------------+--oOO----(_)----------+
> /V\ |Daniel Hedblom |Mobil 070-3837244 |
> <(_) +----------------+----------------------+
> ~~ |IT-tekniker Sollefteå Kommun |
> +----------------------------------oOO--+
> --
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