French discussion on the ubuntu-doc mailing list.

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Sun May 15 05:18:16 UTC 2005

Hi everyone,

After a request from the French documenters working on the wiki, I've
set up a French discussion topic so that they can discuss their work
on this list.

French discussion must have the tag "[fr]" in the subject line of the
email (this will have to be done by the posters, the list software does
*not* automatically detect the language of the post). Unmarked messages
can be assumed to be English, but you can also insert "[en]" into the
subject to mark an English message if you want.

You can select which set of messages you want to receive by logging in
at and going down to
"Which topic categories would you like to subscribe to?"

If discussion in other languages is wanted, please contact
ubuntu-doc-owner at . I'd also appreciate a bilingual
moderator for each language.

Likewise, if the multilingual discussion becomes unworkable, contact the
moderators: probably the solution would be separate lists and would need
to be worked out with the list hosts.


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